(Video) Patrick Stull’s Multimedia Exhibit on Pregnancy
Copyright 2012, Patrick Still. All Rights Reserved.
Showing in San Francisco right now at Fort Mason Center is artist Patrick Stull’s extraordinary multimedia exhibit, Evolve…A Woman’s Journey. This beautiful exhibit utilizes life-size images to explore both the pregnant body and the journey that women take when they become pregnant and cultivate new life. Pregnant women in the Bay Area should take advantage of this exhibit, utilizing its images to help in the visualization of birth!
Other pregnant women around the world may also view some of the images through this exhibition video. There are some helpful moments in the video during which the artist, the narrator, and the voices of the twelve pregnant women involved in the project are heard discussing the profound and unique experiences that encompass a woman’s pregnancy–not only for herself, but for those around her who have the opportunity to observe the beauty of her form.
In the creation of his works, Stull utilized digital photography, oil painting, graphite drawing, sculptures from body castings, originally scored music and mixed media. He may be reached through his website.